jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

what we must know about the adults older world population ages rapidly.

Surfing the internet I found this study, it is longer than the usual publications, but it is interesting

what we must know about the adults older world population ages rapidly.

Among its root causes is the decrease in mortality, which has led to a longer life expectancy. And a growing group of people older than 60 years. He is known to still, with life expectancy increasing, increase the number of diseases, mainly chronic diseases. More the considerable increase in the physical, social and psychological vulnerability associated with aging makes to this age group, more likely to get sick.

What are chronic diseases more common in these people?
 Respiratory, Enfermedades Chronicles, Cancer, cardiovascular diseases and disorders osteo-articular, sensory disorders, diseases of the nervous system, metabolic diseases, digestive diseases.  

Is it possible to be healthy at this age?
It is uncommon to find one older person who does not have, at least, a chronic disease. But most importantly, is not a disease but the limitations that produce us the same, mean that most important for an old man is not the diagnosis of a particular disease, but as soon as limits it to keep their autonomy or functional independence, retain the ability to carry out their activities of daily living for himself.
Not only the disease being treated one elderly person takes you to disability, namely the impossibility of staying independent to carry out its tasks, this also depends on different factors social, psychological, economic, physical and environmental; causing that same illness will lead to an elderly disability and others not. 

 Aging and old age are synonyms?
Aging is a process of change that has the body over time, which begins long before the age of 60. Its key feature is the decrease of physiological capacity of reserve and therefore to adapt to changes imposed life. Aging is the last stage of the life cycle, which is assumed begins precisely at the age of 60 and have special biological, psychological and social characteristics.

Is aging an individual process?
Frequently we hear the phrase: "each age as he has lived". This sentence expresses a truth related with the difference that has the aging of an individual to another, where his history and his former life, largely determine the mode in which it ages. That is why there is nothing more different than an adult wholesale and another. However, there are common features from the physical, psychological and social point of view.  

Morphological and functional changes of organs and following systems:
Sistema nervous, endocrine system, immune system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive, genito-urinary apparatus, musculoskeletal, Vision, ear.

What are major physical features?
Body modificaciones. Decrease in muscle mass, decrease in body water, increased body fat, decreased stature. Increase the curvature of the back (kyphosis). Hair, loose skin, wrinkles, freckles, the speed decrease

What relevant psychological characteristics?
The perception is affected by alteration of the organs of the senses. This causes difficulties processing stimuli and information received from the environment, loss of reaction speed, decrease in the capacity of coordination. Is the memory evocation process is the most affected, show fatigue and exhaustion.  The memory of events retains greater acuity and ease as recent events. conservacion and sometimes increase in verbal skills. The execution skills decline. The ability to solve new problems diminishes.

Amending the personality with aging?
In mentally healthy older people, personality is hardly changed, but the traits of the character due to experiences will emphasize. There are a number of situations that are not associated with normal aging, which can be frequent in older people and cause a deterioration of the personality. Among them:
Changes in thinking, affection or daily conduct, tendency towards introversion, dissatisfaction with life, loss of autonomy, dissatisfaction and sexual disorders, loss of family and social roles, rejection and maladjustment to old age, dissatisfaction with their body image, insulation or decrease in human relations.

Can the elderly deal with stress?
The elderly is subjected as well as young persons to the stress of modern life. They also have another source of stress, the losses (loss of abilities, loss of family and social roles, retirement, widowhood, loss of health, loss of family and friends, among others).
While the older adult has an important element in their favor to deal with stress, experience usually has few personal resources to tolerate it, suffers from some degree of loss of self-esteem and tolerates less suffering, all which conspires against a proper confrontation of stress.
An environment that does not provide you all the support necessary, emotional, and economic may worsen their situation, increasing the risk of physical and psychological illnesses, as well as the loss of functions.

Is social support for the elderly important?
The support of family, friends or formal care networks is fundamental for the elderly to adapt to the changes occurring at this age. The family is the main source of support for the elderly and due to losses that occur at this stage take a very special meaning. If the older adult has the necessary support as negative as the loneliness and sadness feelings that can lead it to depression, especially in those who have lost the ability to fend for themselves can be prevented.  

What are the social characteristics of this stage?
Occur a series of changes that have a significance in the life of any adult person. These are:

Retirement pension
adaptation to the retirement pension depends on many factors, some especially related to the meaning of this moment for the older person. For some it represents the awaited moment to rest and to perform activities that previously could not. For others it is a frustration, having to devote himself to domestic activities or not enjoyable.
In any way causes a depletion of its financial resources, a readjustment to the new form of coexistence and a readjustment of family roles, so it should be a very personal decision of the elderly even though it is suffering from any disease, which must be understood and respected by the family.

loss of spouse may have a different connotation for each older person. Usually it has been the company for many years and evidence as a very important loss. But what most affects sometimes the person greater are attitudes often inadequate of the relatives who surround him. Common is that they want that the old man "is as if nothing", "don't cry", etc. and is very often the phrase: "put on your part". Sometimes brings to the elderly for the House of the children and even "rotate it" to different places, without even realising it has that you impacted him both emotionally and their ability to adapt.  

LOSS of family and friends lost relatives beings causes in people greater feelings of sadness and loneliness, as well as one and significant decrease of social relations. Added to this is a reduction in the possibilities of obtaining care, arrived the moment need them.

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