sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

News México

It lacks retirement 61% of seniors in México


News on the State of the elderly here is the link.
Mexico, 27 September (Telam).-in Mexico, only 39% of elderly people receive a pension, while 41% works by economic needs, revealed a study of the Mexican Association of funds administrators for removal (Amafore).
Within the framework of the week of financial education, the President of the Organization, Carlos Noriega, said yesterday that the elderly in Mexico have a very low income, to 66% perceived less than three minimum monthly wages.
Both economic and physical health are the main concerns of this population, he said, and 86% of respondents "regret not having saved enough for this stage of life".
It added that 41% continues to work by economic needs, and even 25% of people over 80 years still works; and 28% of older persons economically dependent on their children.
In this regard, he added that one-third of those who claim to be dependent economic children, expressed that the situation causes you negative as sadness, worry, or shame feelings.
Also, only 26% receives Government support and 17% says loneliness and abandonment, while 41% of the people of the third age does not have sufficient resources to maintain if same.
The survey, people over 65, with 2,111 cases surveyed nationwide, was conducted in order to know how to live the retirement, if they could actually retire and the economic challenges facing, among others.
"This survey is a picture of what older adults live at present, and reveals the lack of culture of forecast," said Carlos Ramírez, President of the National Commission of the Retiro (Consar) savings system, according to office of Notimex.
Therefore, it was considered necessary to remove cultural barriers that prevent plan and provide for the labor retirement and added, that the great challenge is to break this circle, now that otherwise this trend will increase.
About 30% of Mexicans have an account in the administrators of funds for retirement (AFORE), while the rest of the people are not saving; "there is a serious problem of coverage of the country and of older adults", estimated Ramirez.
The Afore, are Mexico, private financial institutions that administer funds of retirement and savings of workers affiliated to the Mexican Institute of insurance Social and, recently, of members of the Institute of security and social services of the State workers.

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