miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014



A nurse received at the clinic to a man of a certain age who needed that they curasen him a wound in the hand. It had fairly quickly, and while it healed him, the nurse asked what that was so urgent that it had to do. The man told him that his wife had lived for some time in a nursing home since I had a very strong Alzehimer, and every morning he would breakfast with her.   Meanwhile, you bind up the wound, the nurse asked: your wife is much alarm if you arrive late this morning? -No-, replied the man, my wife does not know who I am, five years ago that I no longer recognized. Nurse, somewhat surprised, he said: so why this need to be with her every morning?. The man smiled and told her: she doesn't know who I am, but I still know who she is.

"True love is not limited to physical or romantic; true love is the acceptance of everything the other is, what has been, what will be and what may now never be." 


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