beneficios de la natación para adultos mayores.
Las personas mayores deben hacer ejercicio físico para mantenerse en
forma y recuperar la agilidad. Uno de los ejercicios físicos más recomendados
para los mayores de 50 años es la natación.
Ya que es un deporte que tiene grandes beneficios con muy pocos riesgos.
Además, se puede practicar en cualquier época del año, en piscina al aire libre
o climatizada.
Se tonifica la musculatura sin dañar las
articulaciones, aumenta la flexibilidad, se alivian dolores e inflamaciones,
mejora la salud de los huesos. Es aconsejable en caso de lesiones de
espalda y cervicales, ligamentos, articulaciones y tendones.
Los deportistas practican natación para recuperarse de sus lesiones.
Ayuda a aprender a respirar con un ritmo regular, mejora los síntomas
del asma. Como todos los deportes aeróbicos, fortalece el corazón, regula la
presión arterial, y por lo tanto, reduce el riesgo cardiaco.
También le ayudará si está siguiendo una dieta de adelgazamiento, perderá
grasa mientras aumenta su masa muscular. Además, la natación es un poderoso
desestresante que le hará sentir más joven y retrasará la demencia senil.
Si le aburre ir a nadar solo puede apuntarse a un grupo de natación que
hará la práctica de este deporte más divertida y conocerá a nuevos amigos.
Debe nadar un mínimo de dos veces a la semana, media hora cada vez. Es mejor
comenzar de menos a más. No sirve de nada que un día se pase la tarde nadando y
termine agotado si eso va a hacer que tarde varios días en volver a la piscina.
Si no sabe nadar no tenga apuro en utilizar ayudas para flotar:
manguitos, rulos, flotadores o pelotas. Comience moviendo un pie arriba y otro
No se olvide de las gafas de agua para que no le molesten los
salpicones en los ojos. Abríguese bien al salir del agua con un albornoz y
utilice zapatillas para acceder a las duchas y evitará caídas.
Muchos de los pequeños problemas de salud que se empiezan a sentir a
partir de los 50 años son debidos a un estilo de vida sedentario. Se pueden
mitigar o, incluso, pueden desaparecer por completo con la práctica regular de
la natación.
Fuente : La
The benefits of swimming for seniors.
The older people should do physical exercise to stay fit and regain agility. One of the most recommended exercise for over 50 years is swimming.
Since it is a sport that has great benefits with very little risk. In addition, you can practice at any time of year, outdoor or heated air.
without damaging muscle tone joints, increases flexibility, relieved pain and inflammation, improves bone health. It is advisable in case of back and neck injuries, ligaments, joints and tendons. Athletes practice swimming to recover from their injuries.
It helps you learn to breathe with a regular rhythm, improves symptoms of asthma. Like all aerobic sports, it strengthens the heart, regulates blood pressure, and therefore reduces cardiac risk.
It will also help if you are on a diet, you will lose fat while increasing muscle mass. Moreover, swimming is a powerful stressing that make you feel younger and delay dementia.
If you are bored go swimming can only join a group swimming will practice this sport fun and meet new friends. Must swim at least twice a week, half an hour each time. It is best to start from less to more. It is no use one day pass the afternoon swimming and finish out if that will make take several days to return to the pool.
If you do not know how to swim does not have trouble in use aids to float: couplings, rollers, floats or balls. Start by moving one foot up and one down.
It will also help if you are on a diet, you will lose fat while increasing muscle mass. Moreover, swimming is a powerful stressing that make you feel younger and delay dementia.
If you are bored go swimming can only join a group swimming will practice this sport fun and meet new friends. Must swim at least twice a week, half an hour each time. It is best to start from less to more. It is no use one day pass the afternoon swimming and finish out if that will make take several days to return to the pool.
If you do not know how to swim does not have trouble in use aids to float: couplings, rollers, floats or balls. Start by moving one foot up and one down.
Then do the same with arms, one with a rotary forward movement and then the other. Do not worry in advance, must practice well before movements.
Do not forget the glasses of water so that did not bother spatters in the eyes. Dress warmly out of the water with a bathrobe and slippers to use access to showers and prevent falls.
Many small health problems begin to feel after 50 years is due to a sedentary lifestyle. They can mitigate or may even disappear completely with regular practice of swimming.
Do not forget the glasses of water so that did not bother spatters in the eyes. Dress warmly out of the water with a bathrobe and slippers to use access to showers and prevent falls.
Many small health problems begin to feel after 50 years is due to a sedentary lifestyle. They can mitigate or may even disappear completely with regular practice of swimming.
Go ahead to try! It is a sport that can be practiced alone or in the company of friends or their grandchildren. You can enjoy it in a pool near your home or for a weekend in thermal baths.
Source: La Opinion